About Us

About Us
For those struggling with substance use disorder, an addiction to drugs or alcohol, the first step in recovery is often medically supervised detox. This is the process where the drugs or alcohol are flushed out of an individual’s system. Unlike dietary detox, when an individual is dependent upon drugs or alcohol and then ceases to use or reduce their usage, their body reacts negatively. These are called withdrawal symptoms. They range from mild to severe and can lead to serious medical complications. Thus, United Recovery Project’s Detox Center has designed luxury detox center programs where individuals can make it through withdrawal in safety and comfort.

Our Detox Programs
No matter the substance you or a loved one is struggling with, our detox center offers an extensive program to address it. Some drug and alcohol dependencies can have their symptoms alleviated with medication. In detox, individuals are exposed to therapeutic approaches used in more extensive addiction treatment once the detox process is complete. Some of the substance abuse detox programs United Recovery Project’s detox center offers:
- Alcohol Detox
- Benzo Detox
- Cocaine Detox
- Heroin Detox
- Meth Detox
- Opioid Detox
- Prescription Drug Detox
We also offer gender-specific programs for individuals who would feel more comfortable or believe they would make better progress in a detox program where they get support from gender peers.
Why United Recovery Project’s Detox Center Is The First Step
The duration and intensity of withdrawal symptoms will vary from person to person and be tied to the substance they are dependent upon. Some individuals will experience mild withdrawal symptoms. Perhaps they have only recently developed an addiction, or the substance they are dependent upon isn’t as potent as others. Likewise, some people will experience severe symptoms because they have been struggling with a long-term addiction or the substance they’ve become dependent on is extremely potent. No matter the situation, withdrawal symptoms are painful. Without support, those who attempt to self-detox or go cold turkey frequently relapse due to the discomfort. Similarly, the symptoms of withdrawal from drugs or alcohol can negatively impact decision-making, putting the individual and those around them at risk.
In our medically supervised detox programs, guests are guaranteed a safe and secure space to work through withdrawal. Unlike other detox facilities, ours understands that an austere or overly clinical environment can hinder recovery.