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Benzo Addiction Treatment Program in New York

If you’re struggling with benzodiazepine addiction, we can help.
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Music and movies often glorify benzodiazepines and make them “cool” and “trendy.” Benzos are highly addictive and can cause adverse side effects – confusion, slurred speech, memory problems, and fatigue. While benzos can overdose deaths, they’re even more fatal when someone mixes them with other drugs and alcohol. For example, individuals may take Xanax or Valium with alcohol to get a better buzz. Using benzos alongside opioids (i.e., heroin and methadone) is also common. According to the New York State Opioid Annual Report, the risk of opioid overdoses increases when one takes benzodiazepines simultaneously. The state recorded 1.7 deaths per 100,000 residents from mixing opioids and benzos in 2010. That number increased to 4.4 per 100,000 in 2017 – a sharp increase from 2010.

Benzos are not a new phenomenon – they’ve been around since the 1950s. Although the prevalence of benzodiazepine usage hasn’t changed much in recent years, the demographics have shifted. Adults between 50 to 64 were most likely to use benzos in the past. Today, Gen Z outnumbers older adults, with individuals between the ages of 18 and 24 being the largest consumers of benzos. 

Why are these prescription pills widely abused? Well, it’s reasonably easy to get a benzo prescription. Benzos are, in fact, effective at treating acute anxiety disorders. In addition, it’s not challenging to purchase benzos on the street or in foreign countries. Since benzos are so widespread, those who want them don’t have challenges finding them.

Are you battling benzo addiction? We can help! Our luxurious rehabilitation center offers a comprehensive New York benzo addiction treatment program. You’ll first undergo benzo detox and receive treatment in our partial hospitalization, residential treatment, or intensive outpatient programs. We’ll create a customized treatment plan that best fits your needs.

Benzo Addiction Treatment Program Florida

Benzos At A Glance

Benzos are a group of psychoactive drugs that produce a numbing effect by slowing the central nervous system. When you take a benzodiazepine, your brain releases gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). GABA is a neurotransmitter that reduces cells’ ability to receive or send messages to other cells. Benzos effectively stop panic attacks, help sleep, and ease short-term anxiety. Benzos’ euphoric effect makes them addictive, and after someone builds tolerance, they may need more of a particular benzo to feel the same effect. However, if you take too many benzos, you may feel “high” and become incoherent. 

There are numerous benzos on the market. Although most have a similar effect, the half-life may vary. In addition, some benzodiazepines are better for easing a panic attack, whereas others help reduce insomnia.

The most popular benzos include:

  • Restoril (temazepam)
  • Librium (chlordiazepoxide)
  • Ativan (lorazepam)
  • Dalmane (flurazepam)
  • Prosom (estazolam)
  • Klonopin (clonazepam)
  • Valium (diazepam)
  • Xanax (alprazolam)

As mentioned, no two benzos are the same. Let’s take Xanax and Klonopin, for example. Both are common benzos used to treat anxiety and panic disorders. However, Klonopin has a much longer half-life compared to Xanax. You can feel the effects of Klonopin for about 50 hours after taking a dose. On the other hand, Xanax lasts for roughly 11 hours. Many doctors prescribe Klonopin to treat seizures, while Xanax is the go-to benzo for acute anxiety. Thus, benzos are effective at treating more than just anxiety. For instance, doctors often prescribe Valium to help their patients relieve muscle spasms and sedate them before medical operations. Almost all insurance providers in the United States cover benzo prescriptions. In addition, Medicare plans also cover benzodiazepines.

Using benzos as prescribed doesn’t mean you have an addiction. You can’t compare benzos to heroin, as many individuals have a legitimate prescription for benzodiazepines. Nonetheless, problems start when people use benzos more than prescribed, share them with friends, or buy them off the street. And even if you have a prescription, you can still become addicted to benzos. A single benzo a day over several months can lead to addiction, and you’ll notice obvious withdrawal symptoms if you try to ween off the drug.

Benzo Addictions

Even though benzos are legal (with a prescription), they’re still highly addictive. Long-term benzo use can change your brain’s natural balance, making you constantly crave more. In addition, some people must continually increase their dose to get the desired effects. You should never attempt to stop using benzos without professional help. Quitting benzos cold-turkey can cause various side effects, including hallucinations, brain fog, and panic attacks. The best approach to quitting benzos is to receive Benzo Addiction Treatment at a detox facility and rehabilitation center. 

According to research from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, 20% of people who abuse benzos get them from their doctors. The other 80% get benzos from other sources – family, friends, and on the “street.” Scientists recommend that doctors closely monitor patients with benzo prescriptions to detect signs of misuse. 

Should You Seek Treatment For Benzo Addiction?

It’s sometimes challenging to differentiate between regular benzo use and benzo abuse. For instance, taking benzodiazepines as prescribed can still lead to addiction. You should seek New York benzo addiction treatment if benzodiazepines hinder your quality of life. This includes experiencing withdrawal symptoms when you stop using benzos, and the common side effects of benzo abuse – slurred speech, increased anxiety, and memory problems. We recommend treatment if you mix benzos with other substances, such as alcohol and opioids. 

Start Your Benzodiazepine Recovery Journey Today!

Benzodiazepine addiction is a severe problem in the United States, but not every rehabilitation center can accommodate benzo users. United Recovery Project offers full-scale benzo recovery treatment at our luxurious Florida rehabilitation center. You’ll meet with a licensed therapist at the beginning of your treatment to create a personalized treatment plan to fuel your success. You’ll also have the option to participate in various programs, including art and equine therapy. Are you ready to curb your benzo addiction?

Contact us today 833.525.0166

learn more about our benzodiazepine addiction treatment program. It’s time to put benzodiazepine abuse behind you and take the first steps toward sobriety!